
Who do you surround yourself with?

If mathematical numbers were given an opportunity to speak. I think some were going to accuse zero and one. But why zero and one? Any number that is multiplied by zero is zero, meaning zero has the ability to bring any numbers to nothing.
In life there are many people who are like number zero. No matter how valuable/big you are, when you associate with these people, they bring you down to zero.

How about one? Any number that is multiplied by one remains the same, it does not change. In life there are many people who are also like number one.
These people when they touch your life you don’t change, you don’t grow, you don’t improve. They don’t add value into your life!
The question that you need to ask yourself right now is that, what kind of a person are you? And whom do you associate yourself with? May God separate us from anyone carrying the spirit of zero and one. And may he help us to become greater than number 1 so that when we touch other people’s lives , we add value.

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